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Тут примеры сниппетов вики-разметки что бы копипастить



The PRI value is a combination of so-called severity and facility. The facility indicates where the message originated from (e.g. kernel, mail subsystem) while the severity provides a glimpse of how important the message might be (e.g. error or informational).

code code

sudo launchctl load -F /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/tftp.plist


User Cmd

kvm -hda /var/virt/test1.img -cdrom /var/virt/XP_BOOTCD.iso -boot d

Root Cmd



Note: "qcow2": KVM image format, the most versatile format. Use it to have smaller images (useful if your filesystem does not supports holes, for example on Windows), optional AES encryption, zlib based compression and support of multiple VM snapshots.

Kernel Config

Что бы включить поддержку KVM, следует включить следующие опции ядра (я использовал модули):

Linux Kernel Configuration: Поддержка KVM
Device Drivers --->
    [*] Virtualization --->
            --- Virtualization
            <M> Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) support
            <M>   KVM for Intel processors support 
            <M>   KVM for AMD processors support