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Before using Zigbee with Tasmota, you need to understand a few concepts. Here is a simplified comparison to the Wi-Fi equivalent (sort of).
Zigbee concept | Описание | Wi-Fi equivalent
Zigbee coordinator | The coordinator is responsible for selecting the channel, PanID, security policy, and stack profile for a network. Zigbee2Tasmota will act as a coordinator.
You can have multiple coordinators as long as they have different PanIDs. |
Wi-Fi Access Point
(Personal Area Network IDentifier) |
This parameter is unique in a Zigbee network (16-bit integer, 0x0000–0x3FFF). At initial start a pseudo-random PanID is derived from the ESP MAC address. | SSID (the Wi-Fi network name)
ShortAddr | Address of the device on the Zigbee network. This address is randomly assigned when the device first connects to the coordinator
IP address
GroupAddr | Group address of a collection of devices, it allows a single message to address multiple devices at once
(16 bits integer, 0x0000–0xFFFF). For example a remote can turn on/off a group of lights. GroupAddr 0x0000 is not assigned. |
Endpoint | The endpoint on the coordinator or on the Zigbee device the message is sent from/to. You can see endpoints as logical devices providing distinct features (8 bits integer, 1–240). | TCP port |
IEEEAddr | Device hardware address (64 bits). This is unique per device and factory assigned. MAC address Channel 11-26 |
Wi-Fi Channel |
Encryption Key | 128-bit encryption key.
At initial start a pseudo-random Encryption key is derived from the ESP MAC address. |
Wi-Fi password |
Pairing | By default the coordinator does not accept new devices unless put in pairing mode. When in pairing mode, it will accept pairing requests from any device within range. Default: pairing disabled | WPS |
Cluster | Clusters are a group of commands and attributes that define what a device can do. Think of clusters as a group of actions by function. A device can support multiple clusters to do a whole variety of tasks. The majority of clusters are defined by the ZigBee Alliance and listed in the ZigBee Cluster Library |
- MQTT (англ. message queuing telemetry transport) — упрощённый сетевой протокол, работающий поверх TCP/IP, ориентированный на обмен сообщениями между устройствами по принципу «издатель — подписчик».
- https://habr.com/ru/articles/463669/
- HomeKit - это программная платформа Apple, которая позволяет пользователям iOS, macOS, watchOS и tvOS управлять умными аксессуарами в доме как через приложение Home, так и через голосовой помощник Siri. Управление через облако? идет нахуй
- ZHA — Zigbee Home Automation. В отличие от Z2M, это не аддон, а нативная интеграция от сообщества HA. Это значит, что его проще установить и ресурсов он потребует меньше.
- OTA – уже давно существующий тип установки обновлений. Аббревиатура расшифровывается как «Over The Air», то есть «по воздуху».