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  • Heka Splitters (категория MOS FUEL)
    Splitters details There are only one custom splitter: [openstack_splitter] type = "RegexSplitter" delimiter = '(<[0-9]+>)' delimiter_eol = false All strings
    615 байт (42 слова) - 19:08, 9 февраля 2016
  • Heka Decoders (категория MOS FUEL)
    Decoders parse the contents of the inputs to extract data from the text format and map them onto a Heka message schema. List of all available decoders
    3 Кб (409 слов) - 19:22, 9 февраля 2016
  • Heka (категория MOS FUEL)
    Heka is an open source stream processing software system developed by Mozilla. Heka is a “Swiss Army Knife” type tool for data processing, useful for a
    11 Кб (1243 слова) - 19:19, 9 февраля 2016
  • Heka Inputs (категория MOS FUEL)
    %msg%\n" So all messages come via system logging (provided by rsyslog in MOS) have <PRI> prefix
    9 Кб (1280 слов) - 18:45, 9 февраля 2016
  • Monitoring (категория MOS FUEL)
    LMA Nagios – Alerting for LMA Infrastructure (more details about MOS fuel plugins: MOS Plugins overview It is possible to use LMA-related plugins separately
    20 Кб (2080 слов) - 14:37, 12 февраля 2016
  • Collectd (категория MOS FUEL)
    collect data and output plugins to send data to another tool (heka is used in MOS LMA) Collectd collects the following metrics: cpu (CPU usage) df (disk usage/free
    23 Кб (3217 слов) - 21:16, 29 февраля 2016
  • Heka Debugging (категория MOS FUEL)
    From time to time something went wrong with any software so there are a few words about debugging. The easiest way to debug is to configure FileOutput
    19 Кб (3337 слов) - 19:51, 12 февраля 2016
  • Heka Filter afd example (категория MOS FUEL)
    Here is example of AFD (AnomalyFaultDetection) plugin. The main idea plugin is: count number of incoming messages per second calculate average rate put
    32 Кб (4128 слов) - 15:27, 7 апреля 2016